Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by BrynK (2020)


On the day after Mr. Florendo debriefed this project, I was "studying" for my US history exam by listening to the Hamilton soundtrack. As I was listening to the first track, "Alexander Hamilton", and singing along to all the lyrics, it suddenly occurred to me that this would be a perfect song to parody for my project. I restarted the song and listened to it again, brainstorming possible topics/characters that I could use to weave a story in my parody song. Earlier that day, I had been playing with my little cousin who is going through a Disney princess phase, and she was telling me about all the movies she had been watching. I attribute my idea to use Cinderella as the subject of my parody song to her. After my brainstorm, I immediately sat down to write the song lyrics, and I completed them in one sitting, remarking at the similarities between Alexander Hamilton and Cinderella. Both orphans who rose to considerable status and are the subject of musicals today.

Anyways, it turns out that coming up with an idea and lyrics was the easiest part of the project. Learning how to use Pro Tools effectively was difficult and frustrating at times, but it is extremely rewarding to be able to open the software and feel comfortable using it. By watching Mr. Florendo’s tutorial videos and doing some extra research when problems arose, I was able to overcome the obstacles I faced and complete the project. I certainly have gained a renewed appreciation for all the people involved in the music production process. It is definitely not easy, and this project was only for a portion of a song! I am a terrible singer, but I really enjoyed writing lyrics and learning how to use Pro Tools for this project. I feel like I gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience.